Implementing VRML nodes into 3ds max files. (TimeSensor, TouchSensor, Background,)
Author: ashTimeSensor
What is it? The TimeSensor node assists in coordinating animations and timing sound files. With this node, you can specify beginning and ending times of the particular event, looping
and level of user activity. For more details about this node, check out the VRML 2.0 Spec.
Create the scene and add Cameras 3ds max to VRML
1) First plan out a scene with all the objects, materials, animations and NavigationInfo that are needed. To the right, we have created a simple world for you to use as an example.
2) Next it is a good idea to add at least one 'Camera' which will be a 'Viewpoint' in the VRML file, but the file will still work without Viewpoints.
NOTE: The more Viewpoints the better in VRML files. The different browsers have various navigation abilities and restraints, therefore the Viewpoints are the one consistent way the user can view the file.
3) To add a Camera, go to the Creation panel/press the 'Camera' button and Choose 'Target' as the Object Type.
4) With your mouse, drag the Camera in the 'Top' viewport and stretch it out.
5) To view what the Camera is seeing, go to the Perspective viewport and press 'c' on the keyboard. And there you are from the Cameras point of view.
6) The Camera is easy to adjust with the Move and Rotate buttons, so test them out.
7) Also it is good to name your Cameras. The Camera name is what the user sees in the VRML browser as the name of the Viewpoint. Otherwise it will default to Camera01, Camera02 etc. Which is pretty boring, if you have a great viewpoint to show off.
8) Viewpoints help tell a story in the VRML file, because you can lead the viewer to ideal viewing points of the model which they might not otherwise explore. How to implement a TimeSensor into a 3ds max file:
9) To implement the TimeSensor into the scene successively, it is necessary to solidify the Grouping and Heirarchy levels and to define which parts will be moving.
10) If you want an animation to occur within a subgroup, but not to the entire parent group then follow these directions to implement the TimeSensor before moving on to the Parent group.
11) For example, if you want a particular subgroup to animate and loop AND the parent group to animate but not loop, then you must place the TimeSensor into the lowerlevel grouping first before adding an additional TimeSensor to the Parent group.
12) OTHERWISE just plan that if you want any animation or sound files in subgroups, you will have to 'Open' the top level group, do the animation and add the TimeSensor, and then 'Close' the group while objects in the original group are still selected.
13) For the TimeSensor node go to the 'Creation' panel and choose 'Helpers' Under 'Helpers' use the pull down the menu and choose VRML 2.0. Then choose the Object Type 'TimeSensor'.
14) Then go to your scene and drag the mouse anywhere. You will see an icon that signals to you that you have placed the TimeSensor.
3ds max to VRML
15) Select the Pick Objects button to select the animated objects that will be coordinated by the TimeSensor. Select the objects or sound files with a mouse click OR press the keyboard letter 'H'. The selected objects will appear in the 'Pick Objects' box. Turn off the 'Pick Objects' button by pressing it again to get out of the selection mode.
16) Now you can choose loop--and the animation will run continuously, start on load-- the animation will begin once the file is loaded, startTime & stopTime--where you correspond TimeSensor times to animation frames to provide for smooth animation.
17) In the Icon Size box, you can designate a larger or smaller icon size for the TimeSensor node---but this is only for the 3ds max file and has no bearing on the VRML file.
18) Now you have entered all possible information for the 'TouchSensor' node. If you need to go back, after leaving the Creation panel, and alter any of the parameters, then go to the 'Modify' panel and adjust.
19) Now you have successfully implemented a TimeSensor into your file.
20) To check, go to the 'Selection' menu! NOTE: You can name your TimeSensor in 3ds max in the 'Name' field.
How to Export 3ds max files to VRML:
21) Now go to 'File' and choose 'Export'. The Exporter knows that you are referring to the file that is open and requests that you name your file.
22) So first choose '.wrl' file type Then name your file, i.e. 'SuchAndSuch.wrl'
23) Suggestion: Because you might need to go back to the 3ds max file and adjust part of your world, it is a good idea to keep the filename between to two files the same.
24) Check out a more elaborate sample file that demonstrates the TimeSensor. Here are the official Fields and Events, for the TimeSensor node in the VRML text, according to the VRML2 Spec:
TimeSensor {
exposedField SFTime cycleInterval 1
exposedField SFBool enabled TRUE
exposedField SFBool loop FALSE
exposedField SFTime startTime 0
exposedField SFTime stopTime 0
eventOut SFTime cycleTime
eventOut SFFloat fraction_changed
eventOut SFBool isActive
eventOut SFTime time
3ds max to VRML
What is it?
The TouchSensor node is a trigger event activated by the user through a mouse click or drag. The TouchSensor causes an animation or sound file to launch.
For more details about this node, check out the VRML 2.0 Spec. Create the scene and add Cameras
1) First create a scene with all the objects, materials and NavigationInfo that are needed. Decide which parts will be moving and animate those objects.
2) Next it is a good idea to add at least one 'Camera' which will be a 'Viewpoint' in the VRML file, but the file will still work without Viewpoints. NOTE: The more Viewpoints the better in VRML files. The different browsers have various navigation abilities and restraints, therefore the Viewpoints are the one consistent way the user can view the file.
3) To add a Camera, go to the Creation panel/press the 'Camera' button and Choose 'Target' as the Object Type.
4) With your mouse, drag the Camera in the 'Top' viewport and stretch it out.
5) To view what the Camera is seeing, go to the Perspective viewport and press 'c' on the keyboard. And there you are from the Cameras point of view.
6) The Camera is easy to adjust with the Move and Rotate buttons, so test them out.
7) Also it is good to name your Cameras. The Camera name is what the user sees in the VRML browser as the name of the Viewpoint. Otherwise it will default to Camera01, Camera02 etc. Which is pretty boring, if you have a great viewpoint to show off.
8) Viewpoints help tell a story in the VRML file, because you can lead the viewer to ideal viewing points of the model which they might not otherwise explore.
How to implement a TouchSensor into a 3ds max file:
9) Go to the 'Creation' panel and choose 'Helpers' Under 'Helpers' use the pull down the menu and choose VRML 2.0. Then choose the Object Type 'TouchSensor'.
10) Then go to your scene and drag the mouse anywhere. You will see an icon that signals to you that you have placed the TouchSensor.
11) Select the Pick Trigger Objects button and pick the object that you want the user to click to start an animation or sound file (note: the trigger can be any object).
12) Select with your mouse OR press the keyboard letter 'H'. The selected objects will appear in the 'Pick Trigger Objects' box. And don't forget to turn off the 'Pick Objects' button by pressing it again.
3ds max to VRML
13) And you must select Pick Action Object. Here choose the animated pieces of geometry, cameras, lights or sound files. Select in the same way as above.
14) Make sure the Enabled box is checked.
15) In the Icon Size box, you can designate a larger or smaller icon size for the TouchSensor node---but this is only for the 3ds max file and has no bearing on the VRML file.
16) Now you have entered all possible information for the 'TouchSensor' node. If you need to go back, after leaving the Creation panel, and alter any of the parameters, then go to the 'Modify' panel and adjust.
17) Now you have implemented a TouchSensor into your file.
18) To check, go to the 'Selection' menu! NOTE: You can name your TouchSensor in 3ds max in the 'Name' field.
19) You may also want to implement a TimeSensor. A TimeSensor is needed if you want the animation or sound to start immediately on loading the file, loop or if the events should stop at specified times.
How to Export 3ds max files to VRML:
20) Now Skinny on over to 'File' and choose 'Export'. The Exporter knows that you are referring to the file that is open and requests that you name your file.
21) So first choose '.wrl' file type Then name your file, i.e. 'SuchAndSuch.wrl'
22) Suggestion: Because you might need to go back to the 3ds max file and adjust part of your world, it is a good idea to keep the filename between to two files the same.
23) Check out a more elaborate sample file that demonstrates the TouchSensor. Here are the official Fields and Events, for the TouchSensor node in the VRML text, according to the VRML2 Spec:
TouchSensor {
exposedField SFBool enabled TRUE
eventOut SFVec3f hitNormal_changed
eventOut SFVec3f hitPoint_changed
eventOut SFVec2f hitTexCoord_changed
eventOut SFBool isActive
eventOut SFBool isOver
eventOut SFTime touchTime
3ds max to VRML
What is it?
The Background node is a parameter where you can create a Sky and/or Ground backdrop for your world. This is different than just setting a background colour, because with the Ground specifications, a horizon is created which then gives a worldly feel so that your VRML objects are not simply floating around in space. For more details about this node, check out the VRML 2.0 Spec Create the scene and add Cameras
1) First create a scene with all the objects, materials and NavigationInfo that are needed. To the right, we have created a simple world for you to use as an example.
2) NOTE: The placement of the 'Background' node does not depend on any other VRML node. Therefore you can specify these parameters anytime after your world is created.
3) Next it is a good idea to add at least one 'Camera' which will be a 'Viewpoint' in the VRML file, but the file will still work without Viewpoints.
NOTE: The more Viewpoints the better in VRML files. The different browsers have various navigation abilities and restraints, therefore the Viewpoints are the one consistent way the user can view the file.
4) To add a Camera, go to the Creation panel/press the 'Camera' button and Choose 'Target' as the Object Type.
5) With your mouse, drag the Camera in the 'Top' viewport and stretch it out.
6) To view what the Camera is seeing, go to the Perspective viewport and press 'c' on the keyboard. And there you are from the Cameras point of view.
7) The Camera is easy to adjust with the Move and Rotate buttons, so test them out.
8) Also it is good to name your Cameras. The Camera name is what the user sees in
the VRML browser as the name of the Viewpoint. Otherwise it will default to Camera01, Camera02 etc. Which is pretty boring, if you have a great viewpoint to show off.
9) Viewpoints help tell a story in the VRML file, because you can lead the viewer to ideal viewing points of the model which they might not otherwise explore.
How to implement the Background node into a 3ds max file:
10) Now for the Background node, go to the 'Creation' panel and choose 'Helpers'.Under 'Helpers' use the pull down the menu and choose VRML 2.0. Then choose the Object Type 'Background'.
11) Then go to your scene and drag the mouse anywhere. You will see an icon that signals to you that you have placed the Background node.
3ds max to VRML
12) A panel for the Sky, Ground, and Image parameters will roll out. Please note that, as of this writing, there is no known browser that supports setting an Image as the Background, so it is not gone into detail here.
13) The Sky is actually an infinite sphere that holds the objects. In the Sky panel there is:
Colours- you can choose 1, 2 or 3 colours. Click on the colour patch to modify it to your colour choice with the 3DSMax Material Editor.Angle- colour 1 is the base colour and the 2nd and the 3rd colours merge at the base of an angle off the North Pole (straight up from the browser). Try playing around with multiple colours to see a blending effect, but 1 colour still does the trick.
14) The parameter's for the Ground are the same as with the Sky. Except that the angle of the 2nd and 3rd colours merge off at an angle coming from the opposite end, at the South pole. Therefore if you want more than one colour, you must specify the angle for these.
15) In the Images box you can define a set of images with .gifs or .jpegs by specifying the URLs. --panorama style for the Background.
16) In the Icon Size box, you can designate a larger or smaller icon size for the
Background node---but this is only for the 3ds max file and has no bearing on the VRML file.
17) Now you have entered all possible information for the 'Background' node. If you need to go back, after leaving the Creation panel, and alter any of the parameters, then go to the 'Modify' panel and adjust.
18) Now you have completed implementing a Background into your file!
19) To check, go to the 'Selection' menu and look for it! NOTE: You can name your Background node in 3ds max in the 'Name' field.
How to Export 3ds max files to VRML:
20) Now move on over to 'File' and choose 'Export'. The Exporter knows that you are referring to the file that is open and requests that you name your file.
21) So first choose '.wrl' file type Then name your file, i.e. 'SuchAndSuch.wrl'
22) Suggestion: Because you might need to go back to the 3ds max file and adjust part of your world, it is a good idea to keep the filename between to two files the same.
23) Check out a more elaborate sample file that demonstrates the Background node.
3ds max to VRML Here are the official Fields and Events, for the Background node in the VRML text, according to the VRML2 Spec:
Background {
eventIn SFBool set_bind
exposedField MFFloat groundAngle []
exposedField MFColor groundColor []
exposedField MFString backUrl []
exposedField MFString bottomUrl []
exposedField MFString frontUrl []
exposedField MFString leftUrl []
exposedField MFString rightUrl []
exposedField MFString topUrl []
exposedField MFFloat skyAngle []
exposedField MFColor skyColor [ 0 0 0 ]
eventOut SFBool isBound
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